empty chairs.


There is something magical about the theatre, and perhaps even more, an empty theatre coming back to life again. I have always been grateful towards the city and its many artforms, and as the pandemic continues to evolve, I am still hopeful that the days these seats remain empty are few and far between. I am beyond grateful to call a space like this my office for ten days in a year. A space where for a brief few moments, the world stops, and everything falls into place; an escape and faraway dream that we so easily take for granted, we don’t truly understand how so till it disappears. The stories that we all want to hear tell, of courage and romance, and everything in between. I long for the home found as the curtains are drawn and the spotlight lit.

Perhaps in this new season, we find the old made new once more. The stories that we once stopped telling, are beginning to be told again. That we all have found within the last few months a courage to smile and laugh once more at the simple pleasure found in the humble art of stage-craft.




the space between.